KOPRA for companies

Talents wanted?

KOPRA helps you discover them! Offer an Asia related internship for free? Find interns with specific Asia know-how? Choose KOPRA: 20 years of bridging Europe and Asia! You are looking for qualified employees? Discover our Premium Features!


Uwe Bast

Hans-Günther Krauth, Vorstandsmitglieder, NPO Doitsu Net Project www.doitsu.com

Liebes Kopra-Team! Wie KOPRA, ist auch Doitsu Net Project als gemeinnütziger Verein organisiert. Unter der URL www.doitsu.com stellen wir in unserem virtuellen Deutschen Haus Japanern Deutschland vor. Gleichzeitig wollen wir durch diese Plattform auch Synergien zwisc......More

A true benefit: The Premium Membership at KOPRA!

Are you looking for the best interns and graduates for your company? Do it the easy way: become a Premium Member of KOPRA!
Our automatic Profile Matching offers you the opportunity to filter applicants via subset criteria: only the best matching applicants are showed – or even sent to you by e-mail on a daily basis. You can use the Profile Matching as often as you wish for as many applicants as you need.
As a Premium Member, you direct attention to your company with exclusive banner advertisement.

Your Benefits at KOPRA

  • High access rate of applicants with East Asia background
  • Individual and specific search for candidates
  • Exact targeting of and direct contact to the target group

KOPRA in Figures

  • 99 offers online
  • 28980 registered profiles
  • 2233 registered companies

Companies registered at KOPRA

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